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Nmn transporter slc12a8 and the future of nmn clinical trials with dr alessia grozio

16 Jul 2021 0 comments
Nmn transporter slc12a8 and the future of nmn clinical trials with dr alessia grozio

Nmn transporter slc12a8 and the future
of nmn clinical trials with dr alessia grozio

Nmn transporter slc12a8 and the future of nmn clinical trials with dr alessia grozio


In a recent post, we discussed a key barrier in our knowledge of NMN supplementation in humans - namely the very limited clinical trial data. 

However, this barrier is soon to be removed, thanks to high profile research + business collaborations which a directly confronting this lack of information.

With their execution and success, we will soon have a clear understanding of the benefits of NMN supplementation in human subjects (well beyond simpler experimental results, such as how NMN improved our Founder Nick’s biological age by 3.5 years).


One such collaboration we recently highlighted was the the work between aging research leader the Buck Institute, Elevant, and its parent company Seneque. 

Together they have developed a healthy pipeline of NMN clinical trials in humans, which will focus on muscle recovery after exercise, potential benefits to skin health and much more (details in our interview). 

Today, we host Elevant’s Chief Scientist and Buck Institute Researcher Dr. Alessia Grozio (PhD) for an exclusive interview on the future clinical trial outlook for NMN. 

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